Why rule engines?

A better way to build business logic

If you've ever built or used a visual automation tool, you know that there's always a limit to the logic you can put in. Even the most simple if/else or switch/case statements can get complicated quickly, and when you start nesting them or modeling complex scenarios, things can get out of control. For businesses that offer automation tools, this complexity can be remarkably difficult to support, and for users of automation tools, it can be tricky to understand how to use the logic features across so many emerging platforms.

We built Rulebricks to solve this problem, after years of work in RPA building our own digital automation software. We're intimately familiar with the limitations of the built-in logic in most automation platforms, and we've seen firsthand just how much time and money businesses can waste trying to work around those limits.

Rule engines don't just make it easier to build complex logic, they also leave you with a completely different level of visibility into your automations, and let you make changes to particular decision points without having to redeploy your entire process. If your automations have several paths that can be taken, you'll be able to see exactly which path was taken for each execution, and exactly why, equipping your team with information critical to addressing failures and optimizing your processes in the long run.

With automation arriving to more business functions than ever, and with the explosion of no-code platforms to meet their needs, we think there's a place for Rulebricks to help businesses model big decisions and get the most out tools they already use.

Built by engineers from

State Street